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The U.S. Advisory Board consists of committed and loving individuals whose purpose is to advise, represent and fundraise for Water Is Long Life- WILL in Uganda. They also act as a support system to the on-ground Ugandan Team and board of directors. These Advisory Board share their wisdom, perspective and expertise to help provide accessible, clean, safe water to rural lives in Africa-Uganda.

Erika Grammer

I have been blessed to have been involved with the people of Uganda since 2016. I have fallen in love with the faces and hearts of the people of Uganda. As an American, it can be very easy to take fresh, clean water for granted because it is our normal. As I have heard stories of different villages that have no clean water source, my heart responds. Please help us bring water wells to these people and villages. It is such a need in Uganda. All people should have access to clean, easily available water. Your gift can go a long way to taking care of this great need. Water Is Long Life, indeed! Water brings health. Water brings hope. Water is life! Erika Grammer Nashville, TN, USA

Alisha Stephens

I run The Kikulu Foundation, a US-based non-profit organization helping end extreme poverty. I have over 15+ years of experience in business leadership, the nonprofit sector, and working with multilingual and multicultural communities. I have worked with small and large teams in many different areas including education, community development, gender equality, community health, and micro-finance. I lived in Uganda for some time and partnered with the WILL community since 2011. I am passionate about global education, the water crisis, and working together to ensure children and families have access to clean water. Alisha Stephens Seattle, Washington, USA

Sandy Marek

I have been doing ministry in Uganda since 2004. For the past 15 years I have worked with Ken (Founder, Water Is Long Life- WILL) going to villages and communities. I have witnessed first hand the desperate need for accessible clean water. Many, many schools don’t even have water for the children!! In every village without a water well, I see women and children walk long distances to get water that isn’t even drinkable. In America clean, safe water is available in our homes. Can you imagine walking up to a mile, twice a day to haul water for your family? Please help drill water wells to help these people. Sandy Marek San Antonio, Texas, USA

Wes Jennings

I was a missionary in Uganda for three years working with different community programmes like farming, education and capacity building in rural villages. I observed that many diseases people suffered were water borne due to contaminated water which touched my heart . I helped in the registration of Water is Long Life-WILL as a Non-Government Organization(NGO)/ Non-profit so as to solve this water crisis. We can work together to solve the need for clean, accessible, safe water by providing water wells in rural villages, schools and communities of Africa Uganda. Wes Jennings Corsicana, Texas, USA